March 19, 2010

me no likee.

This is what most of yesterday consisted of:

No, Olivia didn't want to do tummy time. She didn't want her pacifier. And she really didn't want to chill in her car seat with her little yellow hat on while mom ate lunch. And so it was. All day.

What a difference a day makes... She's like a different baby today: agreeable, alert, actually napping instead of screaming. In honor of her good mood, we slow danced to Dinah Washington's classic before her nap. Now mom can eat lunch in peace.

March 16, 2010

olivia elaine.

She's here...
Born on March 2, 2010, at 8:35 pm, after 20 hours of labor. Little Olivia Elaine. We finally chose her name as they handed her to us! We knew her middle name would be Elaine; it's mine, and it's also my mom's. It's meaning is very special to me as she will always have a part of my mom with her. But Olivia... R has loved this name for awhile, and I was a little hesitant--I have been pining over Etta for months. But as soon as I saw her, I let Etta go. "She looks like an Olivia," I said, and R agreed.

I know everyone says it, but it's true: I never thought I could love someone so much. She is simply precious; right now my favorite time is watching her sleep, or soothing her when she's upset. To see her relax and find comfort in either R's or my arms is the best.

Olivia is two weeks old today (!) and we've been blessed with R having those two weeks off. He went back to work today, so it's my first full day with her. So far, things are going really well, and I feel good, but tired. She's napping now...

I think I won't be too far behind.